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29.05.2010, 16:08

Forenbeitrag von: »dwmw2«

Endlosschleife bei openconnect

OK, the password is correct now and you have logged in successfully. But you are not running openconnect as root, so you are not permitted to create the network device. Looking at your command line, the 'echo' command will run as root, but not openconnect. Try: echo "passwd" | sudo openconnect ...

29.05.2010, 01:01

Forenbeitrag von: »dwmw2«

Endlosschleife bei openconnect

Entschuldigen, mein Deutsch ist nicht gut. I think the problem is that your password is not accepted. You are using an old version of openconnect. New versions will 'forget' the password you provided when it doesn't work, and will ask you again. The old versions (before v2.24) will just keep trying over and over again with the same password, as you showed. Also, if you are a KDE user and want to use NetworkManager, see KDE bug #226028: